Prof. Dr. Timo Kehrer
Modellgetriebene Software Entwicklung
Seit Januar 2022 ist Timo Kehrer Professor am Institut für Informatik der Universität Bern und leitet dort den Lehr- und Forschungsbereich Software Engineering. Die Arbeitsgruppe MSE am Institut für Informatik der HU gibt es in der Form daher nicht mehr, Prof Kehrer ist jedoch weiterhin mit der HU verbunden und als PI im Sonferforschungsbereich FONDA tätig.
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Institut für Informatik |
Johann-von-Neumann-Haus |
+49 30 2093 3160 |
timo.kehrer (at) |
Timo Kehrer is Professor at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin heading the Model-Driven Software Engineering Group at the Department of Computer Science. He received a Diploma in Computer Engineering (with distinction) from Stuttgart Media University (Germany) in 2007, a Diploma in Computer Science from University of Siegen (Germany) in 2011, and a PhD in Computer Science (summa cum laude) from the Faculty of Natural Sciences and Technology at University of Siegen in 2015. Kehrer was working as research assistant in the Software Engineering and Database Systems Group at University of Siegen from 2011 to 2015, as postdoctoral research fellow in the Dependable Evolvable Pervasive Software Engineering Group at Politecnico di Milano (Italy) from 2015 to 2016, and as visiting researcher at the Department of Computer Science at University of Leicester (UK) in 2016. He has active research interests in various fields of model-driven and model-based software and system engineering, with a particular focus on various phenomena of model evolution.
Research Interests
- Model-based engineering environments and processes
- Collaborative modeling, team management and versioning
- Model (co-)evolution, consistency, repair, synchronization, etc.
- Model variability management and product-line engineering
- Model transformation, execution, debugging and simulation
- Code generation and reverse engineering
- Model-based software and system analysis and quality assurance
- Domain-specific modeling languages
- Model-based engineering for emerging systems and paradigms such
as cyber-physical systems, cloud computing, etc.
- Publication list at DBLP
- Publication list at Google Scholar
Professional Activities
Conference and Workshop Organization
- SPLC 2018, International Systems and Software Product Line Conference: Challenge Track
Co-Chair - Modellierung 2018, GI-Fachtagung Modellierung: Tutorial Co-Chair
- GaM 2017, International Workshop on Graphs as Models: Organizer
Program Committee Member
- VaMoS 2018: International Workshop on Variability Modelling of Software-intensive Systems
- ICMT 2017, 2018: International Conference on Model Transformation
- FMHE 2017: Festschrift in Memory of Hartmut Ehrig
- ICECCS 2015-16: IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems
Conference and Workshop Reviewing
- MoDELS 2017: International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems
- ASE 2012, 2015-16: IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering
- SE 2010, 2013: Software Engineering, Fachtagung des GI-Fachbereichs Softwaretechnik
- CVSM 2009, 2013-14: International Workshop on Comparison and Versioning of Software Models
- ME 2013, 2016: International Workshop on Models and Evolution
Regular Journal Reviewing
- Journal on Software and Systems Modeling (Springer)
- Journal on Science of Computer Programming (Elsevier)
- Journal of Systems & Software (Elsevier)
- Journal of Software: Evolution and Process (Wiley)
- Information (Open Access)