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- Timo Kehrer, Thomas Thüm, Alexander Schultheiß, and Paul Maximilian Bittner published a paper in which they present their ongoing research project VariantSync at the International Conference for Software Engineering 2021 (ICSE 2021). You can find a video of the corresponding ICSE talk on Youtube.
- Timo Kehrer is program co-chair of the 13th International Conference on Graph Transformation (ICGT 2020), taking place in June 2020 in Bergen, Norway. Please consider to submit your research paper until February 2020.
- Timo Kehrer is program comittee member of the ToCaMS 2020 Workshop on Testing of Configurable and Multi-variant Systems, which is being held in conjunction with ICST 2020, from 23rd to 27th March 2020 in Porto, Portugal. Please consider to submit your research paper until 12th January 2020.
- Timo Kehrer is programme committee member of the 14th International Working Conference on Variability Modelling of Software-Intensive Systems (VaMoS 2020), taking place in February 2020 in Magdeburg, Germany.
- Timo Kehrer is programme committee member of the 34th IEEE/ACM Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2019), taking place in Nov. 2019 in San Diego, California, United States. Please consider to submit your paper to the premier research forum for automated software engineering, s. Call for Research Papers.
- Die 16. Humboldt Informatik GONG SHOW (HIGS'19): Es ist wieder soweit, der diesjährige Tag der Informatik (TdI) wird am 02. Mai 2019 stattfinden und eine Gong-Show ist fest eingeplant. Weitere Informationen hier.
- Timo Kehrer is co-organizing the International Workshop on Software Engineering for Science, held in conjunction with ICSE 2019 in Montreal, Canada. Please consider to submit your research paper, see Call for Papers. The workshop aims, amongst others, to bring communities together to discuss issues of common interest, to identify key subjects which have a lack of existing data or studies and to support the building of a common research agenda to address the complex software development issues typical of research software.
- Timo Kehrer is programme committee member of the 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2019), taking place in Sept. 2019 in Paris, France. Please consider to submit your paper to the premier forum in the area of software and system product lines, s. Call for Research Papers.
- The DFG (German Research Foundation) has accepted the research proposal "VariantSync: Automating the Synchronization of Software Variants (2019-2022)". The research project will be led by Prof. Kehrer in collaboration with Dr. Thomas Thüm from Technical University of Braunschweig.
- Timo Kehrer is co-organizing the Challenge Track at the 23rd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2019), taking place in Sept. 2019 in Paris, France. The track is now seeking your interesting challenge descriptions, s. Call for Challenge Cases.
- Timo Kehrer is co-organizing the Dagstuhl Seminar 19191: Software Evolution in Time and Space - Unifying Version and Variability Management, taking place in May 2019.
- Timo Kehrer is co-organizing the Challenge Track at the 22nd International Systems and Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2018), taking place from 10th-14th of September in Gothenburg (Sweden). We have four interesting case studies and the SPLC 2018 Challenge Track now seeks your solutions to interesting problems of various natures. Please have a look at the Call for Solutions.
- Timo Kehrer is co-organizing the Workshop on Search-Based Model Engineering, taking place in London from 7th-9th of August 2018.
- Die 15. Humboldt Informatik GONG SHOW (HIGS'18): Es ist wieder soweit, der diesjährige Tag der Informatik (TdI) wird am 14. Juni 2018 stattfinden und eine Gong-Show ist fest eingeplant. Weitere Informationen hier.
- Timo Kehrer is co-organizing the Tutorial Track at the symposium Modellierung 2018, taking place from 21st to 23rd of February 2018 at Braunschweig (Germany). The symposium has become an expert’s forum for methods, techniques and tools, but also for domains and applications of modeling. We kindly invite you to participate in four interesting tutorials which are offered at this year's Modellierung.
- Deadline Extension: Graphs as Models 2017 @ ETAPS: Submission deadline has been extended until February 17 (AoE)
- Timo Kehrer is co-organizing the International Workshop on Graphs as Models (GaM 2017), co-located with ETAPS 2017 in Uppsala, Sweden. Please consider to submit your research paper or talk (title and abstract). GaM offers a plattform for exchanging new ideas and results for active researchers in the areas of Graph Transformation, Visual Modeling Techniques, Graph Inspection and Traversal Engineering, etc.
- Timo Kehrer is Programme Committee member of the 10th International Conference on Model Transformation (ICMT 2017), part of STAF 2017 in Marburg, Germany. Please consider to submit your paper to the premier forum for researchers and practitioners from all areas of model transformation.