Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Computer Science Education | Computer Science and Society

Prof. Dr. Gergana Vladova


Address: Rudower Chaussee 25, Room 3.403
Telefone: +49 30 2093-41105

c.o. Katharina Steffes

Gergana Vladova has held the Chair of Computer Science Education / Computer Science and Society at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin since 1 July 2024 and has also been an associated researcher at the Weizenbaum Institute in Berlin since this time. Previously, she was head of the research group "Education for the Digital World" at the Weizenbaum Institute and at the Chair of Information Systems at the University of Potsdam. She has an interdisciplinary background, with degrees from the University of National and World Economy in Sofia (Bulgaria) and the Free University of Berlin, and a PhD in Information Systems from the University of Potsdam.
Her research experience and interests stem from various research projects, in particular on learning with digital technologies and AI, skills development in the context of digitalisation, knowledge and innovation management, intellectual property and product piracy. She holds lectures and seminars at the University of Potsdam and is a guest lecturer at the BSP Business School Berlin. During her research stay at Stellenbosch University (South Africa) and as part of a close cooperation with Hong Kong Polytechnic University (China), she was and is actively involved in international and interdisciplinary research projects.


Link to complete list of publications

Journal Articles by G. Vladova

Conference Papers

G. Vladova, A. Renz, and A. Heuts
Ready to innovate? A self-assessment tool for schools on the edge towards digital education
ISPIM Innovation Conference: Innovating in Times of Crisis, 7-10 June 2020, 2020
RIS, BibTex