Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Technische Informatik

Multiagent Systems

This course aims at introducing concepts and techniques related to the project of autonomous agents and multiagent systems (MAS). The main focus is on the challenges that differentiate a multiagent system from an artificial intelligence (AI) standard system (single agent). The following topics are covered: distributed AI, distributed problem solving, project of a MAS, game theory as proxy for decision and coordination in MAS, planning in MAS, multiagent learning, agent-based modeling and simulation.


Erste Vorlesung am 18.04.2017,  11-15 Uhr, RUD 25, 3.101



Wann und Wo


Mi 11-15 RUD 25, 3.101


Übungen und Praktikum:

Ort und Zeit :siehe Moodle-Kursportal



Dozent:  Prof. Dr. Ana Bazzan




Sprache: English

This course aims at introducing concepts and techniques related to the project of autonomous agents and multiagent systems (MAS). The main focus is on the challenges that differentiate a multiagent system from an artificial intelligence (AI) standard system (single agent). The following topics are covered: distributed AI, distributed problem solving, project of a MAS, game theory as proxy for decision and coordination in MAS, planning in MAS, multiagent learning, agent-based modeling and simulation.



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