Tyron Schnerwitzki https://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/en/forschung-en/gebiete/computer-science-education-computer-science-and-society/members/student-assistants/tyron-schnerwitzki https://www.informatik.hu-berlin.de/@@site-logo/og_logo.png Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin | Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences | Department of Computer Science | Computer Science Education | Computer Science and Society | Team | Student Assistants | Tyron Schnerwitzki Tyron Schnerwitzki E-Mail: schnerty@hu-berlin.de In 2019 I started my studies at Humboldt University in the direction of Monobachelor Computer Science and since August 2023 I am involved as SHK in the joint project "DigiProSMK".