Seminar: Selected Topics in Traffic Management -- a Computer Science Perspective
In 2050, it is expected that 70% of the planet's inhabitants will be living in cities. Among the consequences of this fact, traffic congestion in urban agglomerations is likely to increase causing more economic and environmental costs. While traffic management still is a very technical discipline, dominated by specific devices and expert knowledge, it is now becoming increasingly related to participative sensing initiatives that involve the citizen as an user of the transportation infrastructure. This all generates an amount of data and calls for new, innovative applications that concern computer scientists as well. The aim of this course is to introduce concepts of traffic engineering from the perspective of the supply (infrastructure) and demand (user of the traffic system). Topics that are covered: intelligent transportation systems (ITS), control measures (traffic signals, ramp metering, etc.), car to car communication, route guidance and information systems, road pricing, traffic modeling and optimization, trends in traffic management.
Die erste Veranstaltung findet am Montag, 23.04. um 9 Uhr (ct) statt.
Die Teilnehmerzahl ist auf 10 Studierende beschränkt. Die Platzvergabe findet zentral über AGNES statt. Sie können sich dort während der zentralen Frist für einen Platz bewerben und erhalten zum Semesterstart eine Mail von AGNES, ob Ihre Bewerbung erfolgreich war.
Wann und Wo
Wöchentlich Montags 9 bis 11 Uhr
RUD 26, Raum 1'.307
Prof. Dr. Ana Bazzan, Prof. Dr. B. Scheuermann
Sprachen: English und Deutsch
The aim of this course is to introduce concepts of traffic engineering from the perspective of the supply (infrastructure) and demand (user of the traffic system). Topics that are covered: intelligent transportation systems (ITS), control measures (traffic signals, ramp metering, etc.), car to car communication, route guidance and information systems, road pricing, traffic modeling and optimization, trends in traffic management.
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