Jonathan Müller von think-cell "A Deep Dive into Dispatching Techniques"
„Mitigating Bias in Latent Image Representations Using Generative Models"
"FORCE on Snakemake"
"Präzise Frequenzsynchronisation und Zeitsynchronisation in drahtlosen Netzwerken"
"Measurables aspects of Web content production within the German Academic Web"
Enhancing Cobot Functionality for Effective Hybrid Education Initiatives
"Process-based Simulation with Stackless Coroutines"
"Implementing the Spikelet Algorithm into ClaSP: An Analysis of Performance Improvement"
"Real-Time Point Cloud Visualization from ToF Camera Depth Video: A Comparative Study "
"A Shared-Memory Parallel Algorithm for Computing the Transitive Closure of Directed Graphs"
"Real-Time Early Time Series Classification with TEASER"
Bachelorverteidigung: Sebastian Kühne "Verteilte Auswertung von Aggregaten über Ereignismustern mittels einzelner Senken"