Wladislaw Gusew
Wladislaw Gusew obtained a B.Sc. in Applied Computer Science in the Natural Sciences from the University of Bielefeld, Germany in 2012. He continued his studies at the Humboldt University of Berlin, where he received a M.Sc. in Computer Science in 2015. His Master's thesis is about benchmarking classification algorithms for network packet processing.
Research Interests
Software-defined Networking
Software-defined Networking (SDN) is a paradigm enfolding a dynamic management of network resources by making each network node programmable. Essentially, SDN is defined as a physical separation of the control plane from the data plane in network devices, such as routers and switches. In dynamic computing environments, which can be found at cloud service providers, SDN is already in use. One protocol standard for communication between SDN-ready devices is OpenFlow.
Scientific Workflows
Today's scientists of several academic disciplines utilize scientific workflows for a sophisticated analysis and calculation of scientific data, for instance, astronomical observations, biological genomic sequencing, or simulations regarding elementary particles in physics. A scientific workflow is represented by a directed, acyclic graph (DAG), in which individual tasks are represented as nodes. Connections between each node determine data interdependecies, which are relevant for the (distributed) execution of a workflow by processing data sequentially and/or concurrently.
Advised Students
Andreas Wegge: Quantitative Analysis of Pipelining Techniques in Scientific Workflows, Bachelor's Thesis, December 2016.
Karmel Indych: Analyzing and Improving the Execution Performance of Scientific Workflows for Brain Image Processing, Bachelor's Thesis, February 2017.
Tal Glozman: DistWebCp: Verteilte plattformunabhängige Ausführungsumgebung für Scientific Workflows im Webbrowser, Bachelor's Thesis, March 2017.
Rafael Moczalla: Evaluation von Multicast in Scientific Workflow Systemen, Bachelor's Thesis, April 2017.
Jan Tobias Flaig: A Configurable Process Monitoring and Resource Information System for Distributed Execution Environments, Bachelor's Thesis, January 2018.
Conference Papers by W. Gusew
Starting Workflow Tasks Before They're Ready
eScience '16: 12th IEEE International Conference on eScience, 2016
RIS, BibTex
CATE: An Open and Highly Configurable Framework for Performance Evaluation of Packet Classification Algorithms
WSC '15: Winter Simulation Conference, 2015
RIS, BibTex