Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftliche Fakultät - Didaktik der Informatik | Informatik und Gesellschaft

André Greubel

Address: Rudower Chaussee 25, Raum 03.405
Phone: +49 30 2093-41117

PostDoc für die Didaktik der Informatik


Themen für Abschlussarbeiten auf Anfrage. 



Full List of Publications at ResearchGate

Journal Articles by A. Greubel

Conference Papers

A. Greubel, J. Wenkmann, H.-S. Siller, and M. Hennecke
Teaching Reflective Use of Technology: A Piloted Workbook Based on Evacuations
Proceedings of the 20th International Conference on Cognition and Exploratory Learning in Digital Age (CELDA2023), 2023
RIS, BibTex
A. Greubel and H.-S. Siller
Learning about black-boxes: A mathematical-technological model
Proceedings of the Thirteenth Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education (CERME13), 2022
RIS, BibTex
A. Greubel, H.-S. Siller, and M. Hennecke
EvaWeb: A Web App for Simulating the Evacuation of Buildings with a Grid Automaton
European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL2021), 2021
RIS, BibTex
A. Greubel, S. Pohl, and S. Kounev
Quantifying measurement quality and load distribution in Tor
Proceedings of the 36th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2020), 2020
RIS, BibTex
A. Greubel, T. Hegemann, M. Ifland, and M. Hennecke
Relevanz der Codequalität in einem Praktikum mit automatisch getesteten Programmierabgaben
Vierter Workshop zur Automatische Bewertung von Programmieraufgaben (ABP 2019), 27-34, 2019
RIS, BibTex
A. Greubel, A. Dmitrienko, and S. Kounev
SmarTor - Smarter Tor with Smart Contracts
Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2018), 2018
RIS, BibTex

Book Chapters

J. Andersen, M. Baum, C. Dictus, A. Greubel, L. Knippertz, J. Krüger, I. Neumann, B. Priemer, et al.
Critical Thinking - Gelegenheit für MINT-Lernen in der Zukunft?
Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens – Perspektiven auf (digitalen) MINT-Unterricht und Lehrkräftebildung, Springer, 2023
RIS, BibTex

Peer-Reviewed Posters

A. Greubel and S. Kounev
Towards an Evaluation Framework for Tor Load Balancing
Work in Progress Paper at the 36th Annual Computer Security Applications Conference (ACSAC 2020), 2020
RIS, BibTex
N. Pöhner, T. Schmidt, A. Greubel, M. Hennecke, and M. Ehmann
BlocklySQL: A new block-based editor for SQL
Proceedings of the 14th Workshop in Primary and Secondary Computing Education, ACM, 2019
RIS, BibTex