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Datenintegration am Beispiel der Bioinformatik - Literatur
Datenintegration am Beispiel der Bioinformatik - Literatur
- AHK+95
- Y. Arens, R. Hull, R. King and e. al. Reference Architecture for
the Intelligent Integration of Information; Version 2.0 (DRAFT).
- AVB01
- F. Achard, G. Vaysseix and E. Barillot. XML, bioinformatics and
data integration. Bioinformatics, 17 (2): 115-25, 2001.
- Bak96
- S. Baker. CORBA and Databases - Do you really need both ? Object
Expert, May: 1996.
- BBB+98
- P.G. Baker, A. Brass, S. Bechhofer, C. Goble, N. Paton and R.
Stevens. TAMBIS: Transparent Access to Multiple Bioinformatics
Information Sources. 6th Int. Conf. on Intelligent Systems for
Molecular Biology, Montreal, Canada, 1998.
- BGB+99
- S. Baker, C. Goble, S. Bechhofer, N. Paton, R. Stevens and A.
Brass. An Ontology for Bioinformatics Applications. Bioinformatics, 15
(6): 510-520, 1999.
- BLN86
- C. Batini, M. Lenzerini and S.B. Navathe. A Comparative Analysis of
Methodologies for Database Schema Integration. ACM Computing Surveys,
18 (4): 323-364, 1986.
- Bor95
- A. Borgida. Description Logic in Data Management. IEEE Transactions
on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 7 (5): 671-682, 1995.
- CD97
- U. Chaudhuri and U. Dayal. An Overview of Data Warehousing and OLAP
Technology. SIGMOD Record, 26 (1): 65-74, 1997.
- CKM+98
- I.M. Chen, A.S. Kosky, V.M. Markowitz, E. Szeto and T. Topaloglou.
Advanced query mechanisms for biological databases. 6th Int. Conf. on
Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, 1998.
- CM95
- I.A. Chen and V.M. Markowitz. An Overview of the Object-Protocol
Model (OPM) and OPM Data Management Tools. Information Systems, 20 (5):
393-418, 1995.
- Con97
- S. Conrad. Föderierte Datenbanksysteme: Konzepte der
Datenintegration. Springer Verlag, 1997.
- Cou99
- T. Coupaye. Wrapping SRS with CORBA: from textual data to
distributed objects. Bioinformatics, 15 (4): 333-338, 1999.
- DD99
- R. Domenig and K.R. Dittrich. An Overview and Classification of
Mediated Query Systems. SIGMOD Record, 28 (3): 1999.
- EKL01
- B.A. Eckman, A.S. Kosky and L.A. Laroco, Jr. Extending traditional
query-based integration approaches for functional characterization of
post-genomic data. Bioinformatics, 17 (7): 587-601, 2001.
- EUA96
- T. Etzold, A. Ulyanov and P. Argos. SRS: Information Retrieval
System for Molecular Biology Data Banks. Methods in Enzymology, 266:
114-128, 1996.
- Gel98
- W.M. Gelbart. Databases in Genomic Research. Science, 282: 659-661,
- GG95
- N. Guarino and P. Giaretta. Ontologies and Knowledge Bases: Towards
a Terminological Clarification. In N. J. I. Mars (ed), Towards Very
Large Knowledge Bases, IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1995.
- GO01
- T. GeneOntology Consortium. Creating the gene ontology resource:
design and implementation. Genome Research, 11 (8): 1425-33, 2001.
- GSB+01
- C. Goble, R. Stevens, S. Bechhofer, G. Ng, S. Bechhofer, N. Paton,
S. Baker, M. Peim and A. Brass. Transparent Access to Multiple
Bioinformatics Information Sources. IBM Systems Journal, 40 (2):
532-551, 2001.
- GSSC96
- M. Garca-Solaco, F. Saltor and M. Castellanos. Semantic
Heterogeneity in Multidatabase Systems. In O. Bukhres and A. K.
Elmagarmid (ed), Object-Oriented Multidatabase Systems - A Solution for
Advanced Applications, Prentice Hall, 1996.
- HGM95
- J. Hammer, H. Garcia-Molina, J. Widom, W. Labio and Y. Zhuge. The
Stanford Data Warehousing Project. IEEE Quarterly Bulletin on Data
Engineering; Special Issue on Materialized Views and Data Warehousing,
18 (2): 41-48, 1995.
- HKR+00
- L.M. Haas, P. Kodali, J. Rice, P.M. Schwarz and W.C. Swope.
Integrating Life Sciences Data - With a Little Garlic. IEEE
International Symposium on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering,
- HKWY97
- L.M. Haas, D. Kossmann, E.L. Wimmers and J. Yang. Optimizing
Queries across Diverse Data Sources. 23rd Conference on Very Large
Database Systems, Athens, Greece, 1997.
- HSK+01
- L.M. Haas, P.M. Schwarz, P. Kodali, E. Kotlar, J. Rice and W.C.
Swope. DiscoveryLink: A System for Integrated Access to Life Sciences
Data Sources. IBM Systems Journal, 40 (2): 489-511, 2001.
- Karp96
- P.D. Karp. A Strategy for Database Interoperation. Journal of
Computational Biology, 2 (4): 573-583, 1996.
- KCGS95
- W. Kim, I. Choi, S. Gala and M. Scheevel. On Resolving Schematic
Heterogeneity in Multidatabase Systems. In W. Kim (ed), Modern Database
Systems, ACM Press, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1995.
- Ken91
- W. Kent. The Breakdown of the Information Model in Multi-Database
Systems. SIGMOD Record, 20 (4): 10-15, 1991.
- Let00
- S. Letovsky. Molecular Biology Databases. Kluwer Academic
Publishers, 2000.
- MCK97
- V.M. Markowitz, I.-M.A. Chen and A.S. Kosky. Exploring
Heterogeneous Molecular Biology Databases in the Context of the
Object-Protocol Model. In S. Suhai (ed), Theoretical and Computational
Genome Research, Plenum Press, 1997.
- MEK+00
- R. McEntire, P.D. Karp, N.F. Abernethy, D. Benton, G. Helt, M.
DeJongh, R. Kent, A.S. Kosky, S. Lewis, D. Hodnett, E. Neumann, F.
Olken, D. Pathak, P. Tarczy-Hornoch, L. Toldo and T. Topaloglou. An
Evaluation of Ontology Exchange Languages for Bioinformatics. 8th Int.
Conf. on Intelligent Systems for Molecular Biology, La Jolla / San
Diego, CA, USA, 2000.
- SADD+96
- M.-C. Shan, R. Ahmed, J. Davis, W. Du and W. Kent. Pegasus: A
Heterogeneous Information Management System. In W. Kim (ed), Modern
Database Systems, ACM Press, Addison-Wesley, 1995.
- SGBH02
- R. Stevens, C. Goble, I. Horrocks and S. Bechhofer. Building a
bioinformatics ontology using OIL. IEEE Transactions on Information
Technology in Biomedicine, 6 (2): 135-41, 2002.
- SGHB02
- R. Stevens, C. Goble, I. Horrocks and S. Bechhofer. OILing the way
to machine understandable bioinformatics resources. IEEE Transactions
on Information Technology in Biomedicine, 6 (2): 129-34, 2002.
- SL90
- A. Sheth and J.A. Larson. Federated Database Systems for Managing
Distributed, Heterogeneous and Autonomous Databases. ACM Computing
Survey, 22 (3): 183-236, 1990.
- Vos97
- G. Vossen. The CORBA Specification for Cooperation in Heterogeneous
Information Systems. 1st Workshop on Cooperative Information Systems;
LNCS 1202, Kiel, Germany, 1997.
- Wid95
- J. Widom. Research Problems in Data Warehousing. 4th International
Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Baltimore,
Maryland, 1995.
- Wie92
- G. Wiederhold. Mediators in the Architecture of Future Information
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- Wie94
- G. Wiederhold. Interoperation, Mediation and Ontologies. Int.
Symposium on 5th Generation Computer Systems; Workshop on Heterogeneous
Cooperative Knowledge-Bases, Tokyo, Japan, 1994.
- WRR+00
- L. Wang, P. Rodriguez-Tome, N. Redaschi, P. McNeil, A. Robinson and
P. Lijnzaad. Accessing and distributing EMBL data using CORBA (common
object request broker architecture). Genome Biology, 1 (5): 2000.
- ZLAE00
- E.M. Zdobnov, R. Lopez, R. Apweiler and T. Etzold. The EBI SRS
Server - Recent Developments. Bioinformatics, 18 (2): 368-373,