Robert Sombrutzki
Robert Sombrutzki
Leiter der Rechnerbetriebsgruppe
Ehem. Mitarbeiter am Lehrstuhl Systemarchitektur
Raum: JvN RUD25, 3.203
Telefon: +49 (+30) 2093 41164
Fax: +49 (+30) 2093 3112
Sprechzeiten: 8 - 16 Uhr (Mo-Fr)
Short BIO:
- Research assistant (System Architecture Group)
- Software Engineer, Deutsche Telekom Laboratories (T-Labs)
- Secondary School (13th class, Abitur), Berlin.
Research Interest:
- Wireless Networks
- Network and Unix-administration
- P2P
- Embedded System
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- "MAC Diversity in IEEE 802.11n MIMO Networks", A. Zubow, R. Sombrutzki, M. Scheidgen, Wireless Days Conference, 2012.
- "Towards Smart Berlin - an Experimental Facility for Heterogeneous Smart City Infrastructures", F. Juraschek, A. Zubow, O. Hahn, M. Scheidgen, B. Blywis, R. Sombrutzki, M. Gnes, J. Fischer, IEEE International Workshop on Global Trends in SMART Cities, 2012.
- "HWL - A High Performance Wireless Sensor Research Network", International Conference on Networked Sensing Systems (INSS), Belgium, 2012.
- "Towards MAC/Anycast Diversity in IEEE 802.11n MIMO Networks", technical paper, 2012.
- "Adjacent Channel Interference in IEEE 802.11n", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, France, 2012.
- "ClickWatch - An Experimentation Framework for Communication Network Test-beds", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, France, 2012.
- "A Low-cost MIMO Mesh Testbed based on 802.11n", IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, France, 2012.
- "Reinvestigating Channel Orthogonality - Adjacent Channel Interference in IEEE 802.11n Networks", technical report, 2011.
- "ClickWatch - An Experimentation Framework for Communication Network Test-beds", technical report, 2011.
- "Evaluation of a Low-Cost IEEE 802.11n MIMO Testbed", technical report, 2011.
- "Investigation of the suitability of the license-free WiFi spectrum for future services - WiFi interference study in urban area", technical report, 2011.
- "On Channel Assignment, Distributed Antennas and Network Load Distribution in Dense IEEE 802.11 Infrastructure Networks",IWCMC 2010, Caen, France.
- "The Challenges of using Wireless Mesh Networks for Earthquake Early Warning Systems",MESH '09, Athens, Greece.
- "On the Potential of Flow-Based Routing in Multihomed Environments",Research Report Technische Universität Berlin, Fakultät Elektrotechnik und Informatik, No. 2009-02, February 2009
- "100% Certified Organic: Design and Implementation of Self-Sustaining Cellular Networks",Napa Valley (CA), United States, Feb 25-26, 2008.
- "Self-Organization in Community Mesh Networks: The Berlin RoofNet", Proceedings of IEEE OpComm2006.
- SpeedSightSeeing - about how to find the most valuable sightseeing tour.
Humboldt University of Berlin
Department of Computer Science
Rudower Chaussee 25
12489 Berlin
Room III.203