Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Department of Computer Science

Hoang Lam Nguyen, M.Sc.

Doctoral Student at the Software Engineering group



nguyehoa [at]


+49 30 2093-41147

Visitor Address:


House 4, 4th floor, room IV.414

Rudower Chaussee 25

12489 Berlin

Office Hours:

by appointment



Research Interests
  • Automated Software Testing: Search-based Software Testing (SBST), Property-based Testing, Structure-aware Fuzzing, Symbolic Execution


Selected Publications (Google Scholar)
  • Haifeng Ruan, Hoang Lam Nguyen, Ridwan S. Shariffdeen, Yannic Noller, Abhik Roychoudhury: "Evolutionary Testing for Program Repair". ICST 2024.
  • Roman Kraus, Hoang Lam Nguyen, Martin Schneider: "Generator-based Fuzzing with Input Features" (Distinguished Paper Award). SBFT 2024.
  • Hoang Lam Nguyen and Lars Grunske: "BeDivFuzz: Integrating Behavioral Diversity into Generator-based Fuzzing". ICSE 2022.
  • Hoang Lam Nguyen, Nebras Nassar, Timo Kehrer,  Lars Grunske: "Mofuzz: A fuzzer suite for testing model-driven software engineering tools". ASE 2020.
  • Yannic Noller, Corina S. Păsăreanu, Marcel Böhme, Youcheng Sun, Hoang Lam Nguyen, Lars Grunske: "HyDiff: Hybrid Differential Software Analysis". ICSE 2020.


 Teaching Assistance

 Completed Student Theses
  • Quickly Filtering Inputs for Semantic Fuzzing (Felix Kummer, Bachelor Thesis)
  • Generator-based Fuzzing with Input Features (Roman Kraus, Master Thesis)
  • Enhanced Input Diversity by Hashing in Generator-based Fuzzing (Johannes Brosz, Bachelor Thesis)
  • Improving Code Instrumentation to Circumvent Roadblocks in Generator-based Fuzzing (Adrian Schiller, Bachelor Thesis)