Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - IT Service Group (RBG)

SSH-Access to Servers and PCs

1. Introduction

SSH ("Secure SHell") is an easy to use method to access the server infrastructure available at the Department of Computer Science. It provides an alternative to the graphical desktop environment access through RDP.

2. SSH (Linux)

SSH is included in the majority of common Linux distributions. A connection may be opened directly from the terminal::

ssh -l username

Important information:

  • username: useraccount for the domain
  • servername


To connect to one of the Linux servers you may also use your HU-email-address::

ssh -l


3. SSH (Windows)

From Windows 10 onward, an openssh-client has been included in the operating system.

Additional software (putty) is only required if you are still using older versions (not recommended).

To open a connection:

- open a cmd window (Win+R) -> cmd -> Enter

- ssh -l username or

  ssh -l


If it is required to open a connection to the same server repeatedly, creating a batchfile which will perform the necessary steps, might be considered as an option.

@ echo off 

@REM replace by username and servername

@cmd /K ssh username

Above lines need to be customized and copied into a file with the extension BAT or CMD. For each connection (username+servername combination) a separate file needs to be created.


4. SSH without password - public key authentication (Linux + Windows)