Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - IT Service Group (RBG)

Shutting down the mail server

Shutting down the mail server at the Institute of Computer Science

This article will be updated regularly. July 11, 2024

The mail server of the Institute of Computer Science will be shut down on March 31, 2025.

The email addresses <cms-account> and remain and are assigned to your CMS account.
Some mailboxes already have forwarding set up, so the only thing left to do is point 5: check your IT account for emails that have not been forwarded.

Preparation and procedure for moving the mail servers:

1.0 Clean up, sort, delete

It is advisable to empty the trash, sort emails by year, etc.

2.0 Disable any redirects to the informatik address

Disabling any redirections to the address Check with external email providers (Google, etc.)

3.0 Check whether the CMS account is still active

If you have not yet used the CMS account, please check whether it is still active. For example,
by logging in to If you don't have an active CMS account, you must apply for one:

4.0 Set up a forwarding

Set up a forwarding in your IT mailbox that sends incoming emails to the address
<cms-account> or forwards. (see instructions, german only)

4.1 Optional: Set up new email filter

If many email filters have been set up in the IT mailbox (Sieve), then these must be set up again manually in the CMS. There is a web tool for this at  (instructions ) (german only)

5.0 Setting up the CMS mailbox in the email program used

The CMS provides instructions for common email reader apps:
CMS intructions (german only)

6.0 Moving emails to the CMS mailbox

6.1 recommended: CMS tool 'imapsync'

The CMS provides a service that allows secure synchronization: ( quick start guide)

6.2. moving manually - not recommended

Individual emails or entire email folders can be moved from one mailbox to another using drag and drop.
Be careful with very large folders with lots of emails or large file attachments as this may also take longer.

6.3 local folders (Thunderbird) - not recommended

As an alternative, local folders can be used. In this case, the emails are stored in the file system (e.g.: in ~/.thunderbird/<profile>/Mail/Local Folders/).

