OpenVPN server of the institute
OpenVPN client configuration for VPN access to the IT network
The OpenVPN servers provide users who work outside the Humboldt University and who have access to an Internet connection or who use the Humboldt University's WLAN the option of establishing a secure IP connection to the Humboldt University network and an encrypted IP address for further communication using tunnels.
The corresponding OpenVPN software and a configuration are required for the OpenVPN connection. The OpenVPN server supports VPN via both UDP and TCP protocol. The UDP protocol enables a higher throughput.
Installation guides for different operating systems (Linux, Windows, ...).
OpenVPN configuration (UDP): informatikVPN.ovpn
OpenVPN configuration (TCP): informatikVPN_TCP.ovpn
Some programs use the ending "conf": informatikVPN.conf, informatikVPN_TCP.conf
OpenVPN using... | .ovpn-File | .conf-File |
Access to the HU network via this OpenVPN server is logged!
Alternatively, you can also use the CMS's VPN server! You can also use this with the IT account.