Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Algorithm Engineering


Information on writing a bachelor or master thesis in the "algorithm engineering" group

You are interested in writing your bachelor or master thesis in the area of algorithmic research?


A typical bachelor thesis in this group includes the implementation of algorithms from current research as well as experiments to verify results of theoretic research and gain new insights. Furthermore, theses should involve some theoretical work and should include a survey of the relevant current research literature. A master thesis typically has a greater share of theoretical work and puts larger emphasis on proving results based on your own ideas.

Subject areas
  • parameterized and efficient algorithms
  • exact exponential-time algorithms
  • structural parameters of graphs
  • preprocessing algorithms

Theses can be written in English or German.


It is mandatory to have successfully completed a suitable elective module offered by the group. Furthermore, it is necessary to have successfully completed all three foundational lectures on theoretical computer science (or the relevant mandatory theory lectures for Kombi students).

Getting in contact

If you are interested, please send an email including a transcript of your exam grades to stefan.kratsch (at) Please mention some specific interests from attended lectures or from theoretical computer science in general. We will then try to find a suitable topic and get back to you.