Dr. Mina Ghomi
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Address: Rudower Chaussee 25, Raum 3.405 |
In Summer 2012 Mina Ghomi obtained her Bachelor of Science degree in mathematics from Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin. For her Bachelor thesis, she programmed a SAS macro package to estimate partial attributable risks. Afterwards, she studied mathematics and computer science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin. In October 2016 she graduated as a Master of Education. In her master thesis she investigated the success factors for the integration of digital media in schools and analyzed the process of media integration at nine schools in Germany. In Autumn 2016 Mina Ghomi joined the research group of Prof. Pinkwart as a PhD student. For the LISA project funded by the BMBF, she developed a concept for supporting self-directed learning in sensor based environments. Since April 2017, she receives a scholarship from the Stiftung der Deutschen Wirtschaft (sdw) and researches the digital competences of teachers. From September to December 2018 Mina Ghomi spent a research stay at the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission in Seville and worked with Christine Redecker on assessment tools for the Digital Competence Framework for Educators - DigCompEdu. As part of the cooperation, Mina Ghomi is responsible for the German-language testing and evaluation of the DigCompEdu Self-Assessment Tool for Educators. Supported by the ERASMUS+ teaching mobility, Mina Ghomi followed the invitation of HS.-Prof. Dr. Himpsl-Gutermann to the University College of Teacher Education Vienna at the beginning of March 2019. In addition to her participation in events such as the eBazar or the eEducation Praxistage, she also gave a lecture on digital media education in primary school as well as a lecture on her current research in the context of "Hexagonal diskutiert" (Hexagonal Discussed) and discussed it with scientists from Austria. Since 2017, she has been conducting teacher trainings and Continuing Professional Development (CPD) courses on topics of teaching and learning with and about digital media in the Zentrum für technologiegestütztes Lernen (Centre for Technology-Based Learning) or in schools. As part of a cooperation with the Hasso Plattner Institute School Cloud Project, Mina Ghomi conducts the CPD courses on teaching and working with digital media at five MINT-EC schools in Niedersachsen, Hessen, Rheinland-Pfalz and Nordrhein-Westfalen from the end of March to the beginning of July 2019. |
Journal Articles by M. Ghomi
DigCompEdu für MINT - Konkretisierung der digitalen Kompetenz von MINT-Lehrkräften
k:ON - Kölner Online Journal für Lehrer*innenbildung, 1(1), 1-22, 2020
digitale kompetenz von lehrkräften digcompedu selbsteinschätzungsinstrument mint
Conference Papers
Fachfremd unterrichten–Chancen und Grenzen
INFOS 2021–19. GI-Fachtagung Informatik und Schule, 305-306, 2021
Teacher Professional Development based on the DigCompEdu Framework
28th International Conference on Computers in Education, Asia-Pacific Society for Computers in Education (APSCE), 2020, ISBN 978-986-97214-5-5
teacher professional development digcompedu digital competence
Die Förderung lehrkräftespezifischer digitaler Kompetenzen gehört in die Lehramtsausbildung – ist das Aufgabe der Informatik?
Bildung, Schule, Digitalisierung, Kai Kaspar, Michael Becker-Mrotzek, Sandra Hofhues, Johannes König, Daniela Schmeinck, 2020, ISBN 978-3-8309-4246-7
lehrkräftebildung digitale kompetenz informatik
Digitale Kompetenz von Lehrenden
Impulse für Lehrkräftebildung in der digitalen Welt - Wissenschaft trifft Schulpraxis, Forum Bildung Digitalisierung e. V., 2019
URL, RIS, BibTex
Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu): Development and Evaluation of a Self-assessment Instrument for Teachers’ Digital Competence.
Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Computer Supported Education (CSEDU 2019), 1, 541-548, 2019
self-assessment teachers’ digital competence digcompedu framework
PDF, RIS, BibTex
Sensor Data for Learning Support: Achievements, Open Questions & Opportunities
Proceedings der Pre-Conference-Workshops der 14. E-Learning Fachtagung Informatik co-located with 14th e-Learning Conference of the German Computer Society (DeLFI 2016), CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), 2016
lisa learning analytics sensor data adaptive systems feedback
URL, RIS, BibTex
Book Chapters
Ein Beispielansatz zur Vermittlung von digitaler Kompetenz im MINT-Lehramtsstudium
Die Zukunft des MINT-Lernens–Band 1, Springer, 2023
Erfolgsfaktoren für die Integration digitaler Medien im Unterricht
Theorie und Praxis im Spannungsverhältnis - Beiträge für die Unterrichtsentwicklung, Waxmann, 2018, ISBN 978-3-8309-3921-4