Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Computer Science Education | Computer Science and Society

Aulia Hening Darmasti, M.Sc


Adress: Rudower Chaussee 25, Room 3.407

Phone: +4917674135719



Aulia joined the research group of Prof. Pinkwart in January 2021 as a PhD student, with a scholarship from Indonesia Endowment Fund for Education (LPDP). She currently works on interdisciplinary research in the area of Virtual Reality, Autism Spectrum Disorder, and Human-computer Interaction.

Aulia obtained her Master's and Bachelor's degree from Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB), Indonesia. In July 2018, she finished her Master's study in Interactive Media Technology with a thesis titled "Face Tracking and Reconstruction and Dynamic Projection Mapping for Digital Makeup". Her deep interest in HCI also led her to become a UI/UX Designer in her spare time.

If you have any interest in somewhere of her research focuses, Aulia is very welcome to any discussions or future collaboration!