Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Computer Science Education | Computer Science and Society

Dr. Leo Sylvio Rüdian

Leo Sylvio Rüdian, M.Sc.  


Address: Rudower Chaussee 25, Raum 3.416
Phone:  +49 30 20 93-41 11 23

Mr. Rüdian received his Master‘s Degree in computer science from Humboldt University in October 2017. In his master thesis, he explored the deanonymization of people by using fingerprinting approaches in social media.

Since November 2017 he is a research fellow at the Weizenbaum Institut and joined the research group of Prof. Pinkwart. Since 2020 he supports the KI-Campus project of the (DFKI). currently, since 2022, he is part of the IMPACT team. During his studies, he focuses on machine learning in education, learning analytics, and educational data mining.

His current research focuses on the area of personalization on different levels to adapt online courses to suit needs and preferences. He examines culture and personality traits as well as learning preferences in learning systems for user modeling and uses them for adaptivity experiments.

Previously, he explored the generation of online courses to support their creation using machine learning methods. Besides, his research currently focuses on the area of language learning, and therefore, he creates concepts and prototypes.


Journal Articles by S. Rüdian

Conference Papers

S. Rüdian, C. Schumacher, M. Hanses, J. Kuzilek, and N. Pinkwart
Rule-based and prediction-based computer-generated Feedback in Online Courses
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2024
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian and N. Pinkwart
Performance-Differences in Groups based on Preferences in a Language Learning Online Course
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT), 2023
S. Rüdian and N. Pinkwart
LSTM Cocktail to generate merged Strategies for Sequencing
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT23), 2023
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian and N. Pinkwart
Performance by Preferences – An Experiment in Language Learning to argue for Personalization
International Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED), 24, 2023
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian, C. Schumacher, and N. Pinkwart
Computer-Generated formative Feedback using pre-selected Text Snippets
International Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge, Arlington, TX, USA, 13-03-2023, 13, 129-131, 2023
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian and N. Pinkwart
Game-Centered Language Learning based on Tasks, Dialogs and Cheating
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT22), 2022
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian and N. Pinkwart
Predicting Preferences in Online Courses
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT22), 2022
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian and N. Pinkwart
Generating Sequences for Online Courses using a GAN based on a small Sample Set
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT22), 2022
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian and N. Pinkwart
Do learners really have different preferences?
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT22), 2022
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian, J. Haase, and N. Pinkwart
Predicting Creativity in Online Courses
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT22), IEEE, 2022
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian, M. Dittmeyer, and N. Pinkwart
Challenges of using auto-correction tools for language learning
International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK22), 2022
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian, M. H. Khan, and N. Pinkwart
Using H5P in Exams: A Method to prevent Cheating
International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies (ICALT 2021), 21, 2021
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian and N. Pinkwart
Finding the optimal topic sequence for online courses using SERPs as a Proxy
International Conference on Educational Data Mining (EDM21), 2021
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian, J. Gundlach, and N. Pinkwart
10 Items Questionnaire for Norms and Values in Education
International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge (LAK21), 2021
URL, RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian and N. Pinkwart
Is the context-based Word2Vec representation useful to determine Question Words for Generators?
Die 18. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), Raphael Zender et. al. (Hrsg.), GI, 2020
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian, A. Heuts, and N. Pinkwart
Educational Text Summarizer: Which sentences are worth asking for?
Die 18. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), Raphael Zender et. al. (Hrsg.), Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V., 2020
S. Rüdian, J. Quandt, K. Hahn, and N. Pinkwart
Automatic Feedback for Open Writing Tasks: Is this text appropriate for this lecture?
Die 18. Fachtagung Bildungstechnologien (DELFI), Raphael Zender et. al. (Hrsg.), GI, 2020
RIS, BibTex
S. Rüdian, N. Pinkwart, and Z. Liu
I know who you are: Deanonymization using Facebook Likes
Workshops der INFORMATIK 2018 - Architekturen, Prozesse, Sicherheit und Nachhaltigkeit, Köllen Druck+Verlag GmbH, 2018
PDF, RIS, BibTex

Book Chapters
