Dig*In - Digitisation and Inclusion
since 2019
The joint project "Digitisation and Inclusion" (Dig*In) of the European University Flensburg and Humboldt-University Berlin, funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, deals with fundamental questions and conditions for success of an inclusive digital school and teaching development. Within the scope of the fourth subproject, we are investigating questions that shed more light on the potential of digital media usage to promote inclusive communication and collaboration processes in the classroom.
The aim of the fourth subproject is to use the e-learning system LAYA (Learn as you are), which was developed and advanced within the course of various projects, in inclusive teaching and to examine design opportunities for collaborative learning with digital media.
Further goals of the other subprojects are:
- the derivation of a theoretical model for an inclusive school and teaching development (overall and sub-project management Prof. Dr. Christian Filk, EUF);
- to validate and differentiate the model on the basis of empirical analyses involving involved actors (sub-project management Dr. Heike Schaumburg, HUB) as well as
- to work out didactic-methodical settings for the successful use of digital media in inclusive teaching (subproject management Prof. Dr. Michael Wahl, HUB)
Sebastian Claus, M.Ed.
Alexander Zimmermann