Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Computer Science Education | Computer Science and Society



Aim of our international network (led by the Charité Department of Anesthesiology CVK / CCM) is the development, implementation and evaluation of concepts for development and mapping of competency based curricula. We are strictly working on the basis of current results of research in compuer science and medical education. The curriculum management system LOOOP ("Learning Opportunities, Objectives and Outcomes Platform") has been developed since 2004 at Charité - Universitätsmedizin Berlin. It is currently used for development, mapping, planning, evaluation and accreditation of 22 mostly competency-based degree programs of different educational systems in Europe, Africa, and Asia. Currently, LOOOP is implemented in internship and residency training in order to enable aligned development of competency-based curricula from the beginning of undergraduate programs till the end of residency.

Features of LOOOP include

  • curriculum development and curriculum mapping,
  • transparent for students, faculty and accreditation agencies,
  • visualization of the "alignment" of teaching, learning and assessment, including the creation of blueprints,
  • automatic creation of accreditation documents, study guides, etc. in PDF format,
  • easy integration of the entire teaching staff into all processes of curriculum development, curriculum mapping, curriculum implementation, teaching, and aseesment,
  • web-based and highly effective planning processes through a comprehensive versioning and rights system,
  • mapping against any international or national catalogs such as CanMeds, MeSH, or ICF including different visualizations and exports.

At CSES, LOOOP has been empirically evaluated as part of a PhD thesis.


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