Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Model Driven Software Development

Methods and Models of System Design

Summer term 2019

8LP, 4 hours lecture + 2 hours exercise course


Prof. Timo Kehrer,
Dr. Thomas Vogel, M.Sc. Alexander Schultheiß


  Lecture Wed 11-13 RUD 26, 0.313
  Wed 13-15 RUD 26, 0.313
  Exercise Course Wed 15-17 RUD 26, 0.313

Different methods are being used for the design of computer-integrated systems. Spreading and acceptance of individual methods frequently change; occasionally new ones are proposed. The lecture gives an overview over current methods which have proven their worth in practice and rest on a formal basis.

Software becomes more reliable, changeable and affordable, if before coding, a model is created which describes the effect of the planned software on its (technical and organizatational) environment. The lecture covers methods to design and analyse those models, assisted by software tools. All presented methods are used in industrial practice.