Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Model Driven Software Development

Methods and Models of System Design

Summer term 2019

Exercise Course

Exercises usually take place once a week. Adjustments concerning dates and precise content are possible (even at short notice), but usually announced on this website and also during lectures.
Exercise sheets are available in Moodle not later than one week in advance. Referring exercise slides can also be found there.

The course is held in German. 


Agenda until the end of term



24-04-19 Discussion sheet 1: Projektplanung
01-05-19 Holiday
08-05-19 Discussion sheet 2: Use-Case Spezifikation
15-05-19 Discussion sheet 3: Architektur Evaluation (ATAM)
22-05-19 Discussion sheet 4: UML Verhaltensdiagramme                      
29-05-19 Discussion sheet 5: Entwurfsprinzipien (SOLID)
05-06-19 Discussion sheet 6: Entwurfsmuster
12-06-19 Discussion sheet 7: Blackbox Testing
19-06-19 Discussion sheet 8: Whitebox Testing
26-06-19 Discussion sheet 9: Integrationstests, Q&A
03-07-19 exam preparation, Q&A
10-07-19 exam preparation