Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Process Management and Information Systems

Kate Revoredo

Kate Revoredo is a research associate at the Chair of Process Management and Information Systems at the Department of Computer Science at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Germany. Her main research interest is on data-centric approaches for information systems. This includes topics in the area of business process management, data science, semantic web and knowledge representation.

Kate has pub­lished in relevant journals including Computers in Industry, Journal of Web Semantics and Machine Learning. She is a re­viewer for in­ter­na­tional journ­als, in­clud­ing Machine Learning, Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Business and Information Systems Engineering and a PC mem­ber of international conferences, including International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.

Kate ob­tained her Ph.D. in Com­puter Science and En­gin­eer­ing in 2009 at COPPE-Systems, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, with a thesis on the automatic refinement of probabilistic first-order logic through data. She has worked in different universities including Wirtschaftsuniversität Wien (WU Vienna), USP, UNIRIO, UFRJ. She has experience in applied research from collaborations including Petrobras and Brazilian Navy.


Research Interests
  • Process mining and business process intelligence
  • Knowledge representation and integration
  • Data science
  • Topics that include data-centric approaches
Thesis offer
  • Check the thesis offers at Thesis section of our team page