Events 2017 |
5 to 6 October 2017 |
General Meeting at Seehotel Zeuthen Guest Lecturer
theme: Getting Software Verifiers Ready for Industrial Use
theme: Process Mining für komplexe Systeme
theme: Sichere digitale Identitäten und Blockchain |
11 – 14 June 2017 |
11th Joint Workshop of the German Research Training in Computer Science, |
27 to 28 march 2017 |
General Meeting at Seehotel Zeuthen Guest Lecturer
theme: From IoT to Process Improvement: Use-Case of a Boston Hospital
theme: Modeling and Verification of Evolving Cyber-Physical Spaces: Vision, Foundations and Example Application to a Smart Hospital Environment
theme: My Time in SOAMED - Looking Back and Ahead
theme: From Ph.D. to industrie - A subjective view on a career in business IT consulting |
13.02.2017 |
SOAMED-lecture with Prof. Uwe Nestmann (TU Berlin) Guest Speaker: Björn Victor theme: "sustainable Process Calculi" time and place: 15:00 c.t. TU Berlin, Ernst-Reuter-Platz 7, TEL Tower, Raum 512 |
16.01.2017 |
SOAMED-lecture with Prof. Björn Scheuermann (HU Berlin) theme: "Packet Classification with Instance-specific Logic on FPGAs" time and place: Institut für Informatik, Rudower Chaussee 25, 12489 Berlin, Humboldt-Kabinett, at: 15:00 o'clock c.t. |
09.01.2017 |
SOAMED-lecture with Prof. Holger Giese (HPI Potsdam) theme: "Self-Adaptive Software Systems: Foundation, Models, Analysis, and Execution" time and place: Hasso-Plattner-Institut Potsdam, Hauptgebäude, Raum H-E.51, at: 17:00 o'clock |