Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Welcome to SOAMED



Krefting, D., Canisius, S., Hoheisel, A., Loose, H. (verheiratet: Gruhn), Tolxdorff, T. and Penzel, T. (2010):

"Grid based sleep research – Analysis of polysomnographies using a grid infrastructure"

Future Generation Computer Systems.

Krefting, D. Loose, H. (verheiratet: Gruhn) and Penzel, T.:

"Employment of a healthgrid for evaluation and development of polysomnographic biosignal processing methods"

Proceedings of the Annual International IEEE Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), S. 268-271, 2010.

Loose, H.(verheiratet Gruhn), Krefting, D. and Penzel, T. (2010):

"QRS detection in polysomnographic ECGs and application to the SIESTA database with focus on obstructive sleep apne"

Proceedings of the International Biosignal Processing Conference, 109:1-4.

Müller, R.:

"On the notion of deadlocks in open nets"

In: Schwarick, M., Heiner, M.(eds.) Proceedings of the 17th German Workshop on Algorithms and Tools for Petri Nets (AWPN 2010). CEUR Workshop Proceedings, vol. 643, pp. 130–135. CEURWS. org, Cottbus, Germany (October 2010).

Nadim Sarrouh, Florian Eilers, Uwe Nestmann, Ina Schieferdecker:

"Defamation-Free Networks through User-Centered Data Control"

STM 2010, Athens, Greece, September 23-24, 2010, Proceedings p179-193.

Nadim Sarrouh, Oliver Blankenstein, Uwe Nestmann:

"Service-Orientierte Unterstützung des nationalen Früherkennungsprogramms für Kinder"

GI Jahrestagung, 2010, Leipzig, Germany, Proceedings p229-234, STM 2010, Athens, Greece, September 23--24, 2010, Proceedings p179-193.