Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Welcome to SOAMED



Youssef Arbach, Kirstin Peters and Uwe Nestmann:

"Adding Priority to Event Structure"

In: Proceeding of the Combined 20th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency and 10th Workshop on Structural Operational Semantics, Buenos Airs, Argentina (August 2013).

F.Bathelt-Tok, S.Glesner:

"Towards the Automated Synthesis of Data Dependent Service Controllers."

In: PhD Symposium of the 11th International Conference on Service Oriented Computing (ICSOC 2013), Springer (accepted).

Brandt, J. and Heyl, A. (2013):

"AgED: Extraction and Evaluation of Elliptic Fourier Descriptors from Image Data in Phenotype Assessment Applications"

Proceedings of the International Conference on Bioinformatics Models, Methods and Algorithms, pages 324-327. DOI: 10.5220/00042499032403.

M. Bux, U. Leser (2013): DynamicCloudSim:

"Simulating Heterogeneity in Computational Clouds"

Int. Workshop on Scalable Workflow Enactment Engines and Technologies (SWEET'13), in conjunction with ACM SIGMOD Conference, New York, USA (accepted).

Wandelt. S.; Starlinger, J.; Bux, M. and Leser; U. (2013) RCSI:

"Scalable similarity search in thousend (s) of genomes PVLDB" (accepted).

M. Bux, U. Leser (2013): "Parallelization in Scientific Workflow Management Systems"

Technical Report CoRR/arXiv:1303.7195.

S. Wandelt, M. Bux, U. Leser (2013):

"Trends in Genome Compression"

Current, Bioinformatics.

H. Gruhn and S. Glesner:

"Towards a Formal Framework for Mobile, Service-Oriented Sensor-Actuator Network"

Formal Engineering Approaches to Software Components and Architectures, (FESCA@ETAPS), arXiv: 1302.5173 (2013).

H. Gruhn, S. Stöhr, M. Gövercin and S. Glesner: "Design and Verification of a Health-Monitoring Driver Assistance System"

7th International Conference on Pervasive Computing Technologies for Healthcare (PervasiveHealth`13), IEEE Xplore, pp. 266-267, 2013.

Rami-Habib Eid-Sabbagh, Marcin Hewelt, Andreas Meyer, and Mathias Weske: "Deriving Business Process Data Architectures from Process Model Collections"

In Samik Basu, Cesare Pautasso, Liang Zhang, and Xiang Fu, editors, ICSOC, LNCS. Springer, 2013. (to appear).

Rami-Habib Eid-Sabbagh, Marcin Hewelt and Mathias Weske:

"Business Process Architectures with Multiplicities: Transformation and Correctness"

In Florian Daniel, Jianmin Wang, and Barbara Weber, editors,  Business Process Management, volume 8094 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 227–234. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013.

Rami-Habib Eid-Sabbagh and Marcin Hewelt:

"A Tool for Business Process Architecture Analysis"

In ICSOC demo track, 2013. (to appear), demo paper.

Rami-Habib Eid-Sabbagh, Marcin Hewelt, and Mathias Weske: "Business Process Architectures with Multiplicities: Transformation and Correctness"

Technical Report 77, Hasso-Plattner-Institut (2013).

Vogler, W., Stahl, C., Müller, R.:

"Trace- and failure-based semantics for bounded responsiveness"

Accepted for FOCLASA 2013.

Müller, R., Stahl, C., Aalst, W.M.P.v.d., Westergaard, M.:

"Service discovery from observed behavior while guaranteeing deadlock freedom in collaborations"

Accepted for ICSOC 2013.

Kathrin Kirchner, Nico Herzberg, Andreas Rogge-Solti, Mathias Weske:

"Embedding Conformance Checking in a Process Intelligence System in Hospital Environments"
Process Support and Knowledge Representation in Health Care. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2013. 126-139.