Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Welcome to SOAMED




Bisping, Brodmann, Jungnickel, Rickmann, Seidler, Stüber, Wilhelm-Weidner, Peters, Nestmann:

„Mechanical Verification of a Constructive Proof for FLP”

In Proceedings of the 7th International Conference of Interactive Theorem Proving (IIP '16) 2016.

Wladislaw Gusew and Björn Scheuermann:

„Starting Workflow Tasks Before They‘ re Ready”

eScience `16: 12th IEEE International Conference on eScience, 2016

Marcin Hewelt, Mathias Weske:

„A Hybrid Approach for Flexible Case Modeling and Execution”

In: BPM Forum 2016, LNBIP, Springer

Beck, Heiko, Marcin Hewelt, and Luise Pufahl:
„Extending Fragment-Based Case Management with State Variables”.

In BPM Workshops. Springer, 2016.

Jonas Beyer, Patrick Kuhn, Marcin Hewelt, Sankalita Mandal, and Mathias Weske:

„Unicorn Meets Chimera: Integrating External Events into Case Management”

In BPM Demo Session., 2016.

Daniel Janusz, Jochen Taeschner, Dimitar Dimitrov:

„Sichere und datenschutzkonforme Benutzerverwaltung als Online-Service”

Datenbank-Spektrum 16(2): 157-166 (2016).

Tim Jungnickel and Tobias Herb:

„Simultaneous Editing of JSON Objects via Operational Transformation”.

In Proceedings of the 31st ACM Symposium on Aplied Computing (SAC '16). 2016

Tobias Herb, Tim Jungnickel and Christoph Alt:

„Weak Consistency and stochastic Environments: Harmonization of replicated Machine Learning Models”.

In Proceedings of the 2nd Workshop on the Principles and Practice of Consistency for Distributed Data (PaPOC '2016 @ Eurosys) 2016

Liebrenz, Timm, Verena Klös, and Paula Herber:

„Automatic Analysis and Abstraction for Model Checking HW/SW Co-Design modeled in SystemC (2016)”

Proceeding of the 2016 ACM SIGAda annual conference on High integrity language technology (HILT 2016). ACM

Nikaj, A., Weske, M.:

„Formal Specification of RESTful Choreography Properties”

In 16th International Conference on Web Engineering, ICWE 2016, Lugano Switzerland, June 6-9, 2016.

Nikaj, A., Pittke, F., Weske, M., Mendling, J.:

„Semi-automatic Derivation of RESTful Interactions from Choreography Diagrams”

In BPMDS 2016, Held at CAiSe 2016, Ljubiljana, Slovenia, June 13-14, 2016

Stefan Sprenger, Steffen Zeuch, Ulf Leser:

„Cache-Sensitive Skip List: Efficient Range Queries on modern CPUs”

ADMS/IMDM@VLDB, New Dehli, India, September 2016.

Marvin Triebel and Jan Sürmeli:

„Characterizing Stable and Deriving Valid Inequalities of Petrie nets”

In Fundamenta Informaticae (Special Issue Petri Nets). (to appear)