Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin - Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences - Department of Computer Science

Publications 2019

  •  W. Reisig: Associative composition of components with double-sided interfaces. Acta Informartica 56 (3) S. 229-253 (2019)

  •  Amel Bennacewur et al: Modelling and analyzing resilient cyber-physical systems. 14th SEAMS@ICSE 2019: Montreal, QC, Canada ACM, pp. 70 – 77

  •  Wolfgang Reisig: Composition: A Fresh Look at an Old Topic. In: Models, Mindsets, Meta LNCS 11200 pp 372-389 (2019)

  •  Wolfgang Reisig, Grzegorz Rozenberg (eds.): Carl Adam Petri: Ideas, Personality, Impact. Springer 2019

  •  Wolfgang Reisig,  Stefan Strecker: Carl Adam Petri und die Geschichte der Informatik - Gespräch mit Wolfgang Reisig. Podcast 2019